Twin Valley Middle High School

Athletic Digest for Students & Parents







Track & Field

Revised August 2019

Mission Statement: 

To provide an opportunity for student participation in a variety of student centered activities to supplement the academic experience and provide a positive environment for well-rounded students.

A Note to All Athletes

     The coaches and I are pleased that you have decided to participate in one of the interscholastic programs offered at Twin Valley Middle High School.   We certainly hope it will be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for you.  

     Please remember that participation in athletics is a privilege and with this privilege go certain responsibilities.  Your conduct while playing for TVMHS is a reflection of your school, your team, and your community. We expect you to display good sportsmanship and judgment at all times.  

     The purpose of this digest is to provide you with an overview of all rules, regulations and expectations associated with participation in athletics at TVMHS.

     If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at 368-2880 x1046.

Buddy Hayford, Athletic Director

The Philosophy behind Interscholastic Athletics

Athletics is considered an integral part of the school's program of education.  All students are encouraged to participate and every effort is made to accommodate as many as is practically possible on any given team.  Athletes are encouraged to excel and to win; the principle of good sportsmanship must prevail at all times.

Prerequisite Forms (Can be found on school web)


A Well Exam is required every year. The Well Exam  must be signed by the health provider and returned to the coach or athletic director before participation.


This form must be completed and signed by the athlete’s parent(s). All athletes are required to show proof of insurance before being allowed to participate in any try-outs, practices, or contests. Health insurance may be purchased through the school at a very reasonable cost. In addition, this form includes info on medical conditions, emergency contact numbers, permission to participate, consent to treat and concussion information.


This form must be read and signed by a parent, the student-athlete and the coach.  All athletes have an obligation and responsibility to abstain from substance abuse.

Academic Eligibility

Student participation in athletics and co-curricular activities is viewed as an integral component of the learning process, and for this reason our eligibility policy is intended to be motivational in design rather than disciplinary. Yet while interscholastic athletics and co-curricular activities complement and enhance the academic program, school attendance must remain focused, first and foremost, on learning the knowledge, skills, and habits of work that every graduate needs to succeed in adult life. The district’s eligibility policy for interscholastic and co-curricular programs is designed to ensure that academic learning and achievement remain the top priority for every student. 

See the school website for detailed information regarding Proficiency Based Requirements and the TVMHS Academic Eligibility Policy.

2.  A transfer pupil is eligible at once if the transfer is the result of a change of legal residence providing (s)he meets all other eligibility requirements.

3.  All students are subject to the eligibility criteria of the Vermont Principals’ Association.

4. Students who drop a course without establishing a record of sufficient effort will lose eligibility.

Award Policy

     Athletic letters and post-season awards are awarded at the discretion of the coaches, subject to review by the Athletic Director. Attendance at practice, sportsmanship, attitude and cooperation are taken into account when giving these awards, as well as actual participation in contests.

     All athletes lettering for the first time will receive a varsity chenille letter and a pin appropriate to the sport.  All athletes who earn additional letters will receive only the pin for that sport.

     Manager letters and pins are awarded for successfully completing the duties of manager for an entire season as determined by the coaches.


Coach’s recommendations

Completion of the season (unless injured)

Consistent participation

Accumulated quarters, matches or innings 

Compliance with training rules- violation of training rules may result in award ineligibility, including team, MVL, state, and end of the year awards.

Athlete Responsibilities

The student who chooses to participate in athletics must realize that he/she represents him/herself and TVMHS.  Athletes are held to a high standard of conduct. It is important that his/her behavior reflect the philosophy of athletics and general student behavior.  With this in mind, the following are the athlete’s responsibilities:

Academic performance is your primary responsibility. Time and energy should be given to your classes to insure acceptable grades.

You represent yourself, your community, your school, and your team, and you should behave appropriately.

You should practice good sportsmanship daily.

Attendance in school and at practices is essential to insure success in the classroom and competition.

We do not require uniform deposits, however if equipment is lost or damaged, the family will be required to make financial restitution to the school.  

Any injury should be reported to the coach no matter how slight the injury may appear. If the injury requires a doctor’s care, the athlete must obtain written permission before returning to competition.

Transportation to and from contests will be provided by the school.  Student-athletes are required to use school transportation. Students may ride to or from contests with their parents or another parent provided they have a signed note. Under NO circumstances will athletes be allowed to ride with other students to or from a contest.

Students should make every effort to participate in the sport that they are genuinely interested in.  Students will not be allowed to change sports during the season or to compete on two teams during the same sports season unless permission from the athletic director and coaches involved is given.

If a student athlete is involved in malicious damage/behavior to the school or public property, he/she may be suspended or dismissed from the team at the discretion of the coach & administration.

When a student athlete leaves for a contest during the school day, it is the athlete’s responsibility to make up any work missed and to make proper arrangements with the teacher prior to the absence.

If the student athlete must go on a family vacation during the season, the athlete must notify the coach as soon as the plans are known.  The interruption of practice and conditioning will require the student athlete to be gradually re-introduced to the program to insure physical safety.

Game/Practice Eligibility

In the event of an absence from school, an athlete’s eligibility will be determined according to the following guidelines:

All student athletes must be in school by 8:15 a.m. and must be in attendance the full day.  The only exceptions would be a family event, school function, extenuating circumstances or medical appointment and must be approved by the Principal or AD at least 24 hours in advance of the activity unless it is an emergency.  Seniors who do not have a first block class are expected to be in by 10:03.

Any student athlete who is absent from school on the Friday before a Saturday game must have a valid written excuse from parents/guardian in order to play. The final decision will be made at the coach’s discretion.

The application of these guidelines is the responsibility of the coaches.


Training Rules on Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco use


All students have the right to a drug-free school and it is the responsibility of our community and specifically all students, parents and school personnel to work together to achieve this goal. The school recognizes that alcohol, tobacco and other drug use are detrimental to the entire school community.

We expect athletes to develop a lifestyle, which includes healthy behavior and excludes the use of drugs that may impair performance or interfere with their health.


In support of this philosophy, a student-athlete shall not use, consume, or possess any beverage containing alcohol; any tobacco product (including e-cigarettes, VAPE pens and all similar devices); marijuana (including synthetic); steroids or other illegal performance enhancing drug; any controlled substance (including non-prescribed prescription drugs); or any paraphernalia associated with the above. 

This policy is in effect from the first official day of practice in August until the final day of the school year in June.  The policy applies to all student athletes regardless of season of play. 


The consequences for all violations of this policy shall be twofold: disciplinary and rehabilitative/educational.  All violations & subsequent consequences will effect either the current season of participation or the next season of participation by the student-athlete if he/she is not currently in season. The penalty will carry-over to the new school year if necessary.  Should there be no remaining season of participation for the student-athlete, then the consequences will be school related community service as determined by the administration. Failure to complete the community service will result in exclusion from the end of the season sports award night and all accompanying letters/pins and awards.

First Violation:

When the athletic director, after meeting with the student, is satisfied that a violation has occurred, the student shall lose eligibility for the next three consecutive interscholastic events, or three weeks of the season in which the student is a participant, whichever is greater.  It is recommended that the student be allowed to participate in practice & attend contests (not in uniform) for the purpose of rehabilitation.  

The administrator will make a referral to the Student Assistance Counselor/ certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor. The school will assist in discussing options of resources for the student.

Second Violation:

When the athletic director, after meeting with the student, is satisfied that a violation has occurred, the student shall lose eligibility for the next twelve interscholastic events, or twelve weeks of the season, whichever is greater.  It is recommended that the student be allowed to participate in practice & attend contests (not in uniform) for the purpose of rehabilitation.

A referral to the Student Assistance Counselor/ certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor will be made by the administrator. If after the second violation the student becomes part of an approved chemical dependency program or treatment program, the student may be certified for reinstatement after a minimum of six weeks or six inter-scholastic event, whichever is greater. Such certification must be issued by the Student Assistance Counselor or counselor of a chemical dependency treatment center.  If the participant chooses no assistance from the school or outside resources, the student will be ineligible for the remainder of the season.

Third Violation:

Any student that commits a third offense, in the same year, will immediately be dismissed from all co-curricular activities for the remainder of the year.


Any student/athlete that comes forward to self-report a violation of the training rules may have the penalty period reduced at the discretion of the administration.  If the administration chooses to reduce the penalty, the student will miss at least two consecutive events.

*Students found under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs on school grounds will be subject to all rules and regulations of the school district drug and alcohol policy.


The following procedures shall be used in these cases:

A.  Reporting

1.  School Staff: All school staff members are expected to report any suspected or actual alcohol, tobacco or other drug violation and to report the incident to the athletic administrator as soon as possible.

2.  Students:  Students who suspect or know of tobacco, alcohol or drug violations are encouraged to give this information to any school staff member.  Staff members receiving such information shall make an immediate report to the athletic administrator.

3. Police: Police are encouraged to report any alcohol, tobacco or other drug violations to the athletic administrator.

4. Parents & General Public:  Are encouraged to report any alcohol, tobacco or other drug violations to the athletic administrator.

B.  Investigation

The athletic administrator shall investigate all reports and determine appropriate action. When there is sufficient information to suspect that a violation has occurred, the students shall be expected to cooperate fully. 

C.  Due Process for Violation of Training Rules

Following a report of an incident, the AD will decide whether or not action is required.  The coach and/or AD will advise the athlete that he/she has been reported in violation of training rules.  The student may appeal any decision to the principal if they either deny the charge, or feel the punishment is inappropriate. A hearing will be scheduled with the Principal and/or Assistant Principal, the Athletic Director, appropriate coach, the athlete and parents or guardians.  This hearing will take place within three days of the report and after all parties have been notified.

 In addition, the AD may request a principal’s hearing if he/she is not satisfied with the level of cooperation received from the student(s) involved.

After carefully considering the facts presented, the Principal, and/or Assistant Principal and Athletic Director will decide the appropriate penalty according to the training rules above.

If the athlete and parents or guardians do not wish to attend the scheduled hearing, they must waive their right to do so in writing.

D.  Intervention Plan

Following the meeting with parents and student, if it is determined that a violation has occurred, the administrator, in consultation with the parents, the student, and the school student assistance counselor, shall initiate the development of an intervention plan.  The plan shall include an assessment by a certified drug/alcohol counselor and a commitment for the student and parent to share the counselor’s recommendations with the school. The student must present verification of assessment and recommendations completion to the school.