Middle/High School Staff Directory

Ms. Emily Beeman

Foreign Language

  • sites.google.com/view/beeman-spanish/ (opens in new window)

Ms. Amanda Bolduc

HS Language Arts

Mr. Christopher Brown

MS Physical Ed/Athletic Dir

  • sites.google.com/a/tvhs.k12.vt.us/mr-brown---physical-eduction-health-director-of-athletics/home (opens in new window)

Mr. Curtis Carroll


Dr. Dina Casey

School Psychologist

Ms. Dottie Fisher

Administrative Assistant

Mr. Dale George

Head Custodian

Ms. Sarah Grant

HS Science

  • sites.google.com/a/tvhs.k12.vt.us/grant-biology/?pli=1 (opens in new window)

Ms. Jessica Hammond

MS 7/8 Science Grade

  • sites.google.com/a/tvhs.k12.vt.us/ms-hammond-s-middle-school-science/home (opens in new window)

Mr. Buddy Hayford

HS PE & Athletic Director

  • www.twinvalleyschooldistrict.us/middle-high-school/extracurricular/athletics (opens in new window)

Mr. Joel Hernandez

Wood and Metal Shop

Ms. Mary Immekus

MS 7/8 Language Arts

  • sites.google.com/a/tvhs.k12.vt.us/tvmhs-7-8-language-arts/home (opens in new window)

Mrs. Lia Kingsley

Middle School Math

  • sites.google.com/a/tvhs.k12.vt.us/ckurucz/home (opens in new window)

Mrs. Maryann Lozito

Senior Administrative Assistant/Accounts Manager

Mrs. Jollene Mahon

School Nurse

  • sites.google.com/tvhs.k12.vt.us/healthoffice/home (opens in new window)
  • sites.google.com/a/tvhs.k12.vt.us/mundt-ms-hs-art/ (opens in new window)

Ms. Denise Piffard

HS Guidance Counselor

Ms. Mary Pike-Sprenger

Speech Language Para

Ms. Anna Roth


Mrs. MK Simpson

Library/Blended Learning Coordinator

  • tinyurl.com/tvmhslibrary (opens in new window)

Ms. Elizabeth Turro

HS Social Studies

  • sites.google.com/tvhs.k12.vt.us/ms-elizabeth-turro/home (opens in new window)

Mrs. Laura Urquhart

6th Grade Math and Science

  • urquharttvhs6.weebly.com/ (opens in new window)

Mr. Jeffrey Ward

MS Guidance

  • sites.google.com/tvhs.k12.vt.us/mrwardssite/home (opens in new window)

Mrs. Karen Wheeler

MS Paraprofessional